Wednesday, September 03, 2008

RP Firm on Anti-Affirmative Action Plank

RP Stands Firm on Anti-Affirmative Action Plank

St. Paul, MN. Standing firmly on a plank to oppose affirmative action, the RNC announced today that it believes in hard work and bootstraps as the way for all individuals to advance their social and economic status. The plank calls for promoting individuals to work positions based upon their abilities, experience, and education and training, fitting the best prepared person to the job.

"We've demonstrated our commitment to these principles by selecting Gov. Palin as our vice presidential nominee. Her luminous qualifications include both engagement in vice as well as efforts to eliminate vice in government. We believe that the role of all citizens, except those chosen to lead, is to attend to their daily affairs, stay focused on the home and family, and when it comes to war - just breed enough strong children to fight in battle for God and country. Sarah has demonstrated that she is well qualified to carry this message" said Hadassah Lieberman at the convention. Her husband Joe, a prior VP selection hopeful, stated that he could support Gov. Palin even if she does not shave her hair.

"After all, I'm open to all kinds of religious practice. One of my favorites is standing at the donations wall of the insurance industry in Hartford and praying for more money."

Speaking of her pregnant daughter and the young man who will soon be a happily-wedded father, "Isn't it adorable. We have Juno in Juneau."

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