Monday, September 24, 2007

Wie sagt man "Abu Graib" auf Deutsch?

"Inevitably, they pose the question: What would you have done? Filled your mouth with blueberries or balked and paid the mortal price? Perhaps no single question is more important. The voyeur has the luxury of posing it whereas those living then had to answer it. The overwhelming majority acquiesced to the unspeakable.

"It has become banal to quote Hannah Arendt. But she encapsulated these photos’ conundrum when she wrote: “Under conditions of terror most people will comply but some people will not,” adding that “Humanly speaking, no more is required and no more can reasonably be asked for this planet to remain a place fit for human habitation.”

"Like Germany’s unfinished but already remarkable postwar voyage from self-amputation to self-realization, these words bear pondering."

Roger Cohen in the New York Times

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